The first part of the reunion for the Hollywood version of the ratchedly acclaimed VH1 franchise "Love and Hip Hop" premiered last night. Like its reunion show predecessors, it was filled with drama and eye-popping moments. And of course, it...
As a young boy, we had their posters on the wall. Now as men, we wouldn’t look twice their way. The 90’s were filled with celebrity women with sex appeal, with age and a few nip/tucks gone wrong, looks fade....
Having trouble losing that stubborn stomach fat no matter how healthy that you are eating? Well, what you are eating might not be as healthy as you think....
One moment she’s with Ray J, one moment she’s with Kris Humphries, the next minute she’s with Kanye West. WHO CARES?! We only want to see her in photo ops, preferably from the back....
2013 will bring a new wave of luxury vehicles that look like something out of a Jetsons cartoon. But for the common consumer, they might be out of our price range. It doesn’t hurt to admire from afar though....
London has played host to one of the most memorable Olympic Games in history, and they are far from over. So far, we have witnessed the greatest athletes in the world doing...
The 30th Olympiad has already proven to be one of the most exciting in history. With record crowds and millions tuning in on television, the 2012 London Olympics...