9 Reasons Why You Can’t Lose Weight

via: Saving WIth Shellie
VitaminWater uses the old trick in which the nutrition information on the label is based on a serving size, but the bottle contains multiple servings—leaving you to do the math. Each bottle contains 2.5 servings of the sugar-sweetened water, so a whole bottle delivers 33 grams of sugar (a can of Coke only has 6 more). That’s a lot of calories when plain water could do the trick. One bottle (2.5 servings) of the “Charge” flavor is 125 calories, 32.5g sugar. Choose this instead: New VitaminWater10 has only 10 calories per serving, or 25 if you finish the bottle. But it contains zero-calorie sweeteners.

via: Find the Best
This meal is better than a TV dinner, but there are healthier options from this generally trustworthy brand. The calories are reasonable, but the meal is high in sugar and sodium, and it has more fat than most other Healthy Choice options—even the Chicken Fettuccine Alfredo and the Country Breaded Chicken! One meal: 400 calories, 13g protein, 5g fiber—but 10g fat, 20g sugar, 500mg sodium. Choose this instead: The Oven Roasted Chicken meal: 260 calories, 5g fat, 9g sugar, 520mg sodium, 15g protein, 6g fiber.

via: Easy Buy
Granola is tricky. Although the name is practically synonymous with healthy, some types—including this cereal—contain a startling amount of sugar per serving. One serving contains 18 grams of sugar, as much as a Twinkie. A 2/3-cup serving: 210 calories, 3g fat, 4g protein, 3g fiber—but 18g sugar. Choose this instead: A 2/3-cup serving of Health Valley’s Low Fat Date Almond Flavor Granola: 180 calories, 1g fat, 10g sugar, 5g protein, 6g fiber.