9 Things To Do On a Friday Night

3         Complain About Being


This might be the worst way that you can spend your Friday night. Wallowing in your sorrows and complaining about not having anyone to hang out with. But on the bright side, at least ice cream is involved. But be cautious, eating that entire tub of Edy’s or Breyer’s can really pack on the calories…and the pounds.

2          Dinner and a Movie


In the spirit of traditional American dating, go out for dinner and a movie. Fellas, this is usually the most guaranteed way to get you some action at the end of the night. But be cautious, with movie ticket prices at an all-time high and taking your date to Burger King out of the equation, a nice chunk of your paycheck can be spent on this.

1          Romantic Evening Inside


Yeah…so we placed the image above because a romantic evening at home usually ends up like this (fellas take note). But be cautious ladies, the candlelight dinner and soft music approach is powerful. This could end up being your first one night stand.