9 Best Cities For Singles

via: Buttermilk Truck
In La-La Land, everyone who isn’t actually in show business is dolling themselves up to be, or so the stereotype goes. In reality, Los Angeles promises an array of benefits to career-minded singles, from impressive average incomes to thousands of jobs in education, health care and the arts. Living among angels isn’t cheap, of course. There is plenty to do in the city, just name it and you can experience it.

via: The PJS Braindump Landfill
Baltimore’s job and dating prospects both prove very charming, thanks to the city’s strong defense, finance, medical and information-technology sectors. In January alone, Baltimore posted more than 18,000 job openings with salaries over $50,000. Even more attractive: More than half the population is single, three in 20 hold a graduate degree, and the average date is pretty cheap. The city also boasts a developed waterfront with dozens of shops, museums and restaurants.

via: Flickr
Ann Arbor has an unusual combination of ultra-high wages, reasonable living costs and a well-educated dating pool — 51% of adults hold at least a bachelor’s degree. Nearly 43,000 students attend undergraduate, graduate or professional school at the University of Michigan, skewing the city’s demographics toward the younger set. One in four residents is between 20 and 34; one in two is unmarried. While it’s true that undergrads and dive bars can be found around every corner –- a blessing or a curse, depending on your dating objectives — Ann Arbor offers amenities for post-grad bachelors and bachelorettes, as well. Sophisticated daters might opt for a stroll around the historic Kerrytown district, or perhaps take in a show at the city’s annual film festival or art fair.